Introduction to the webinar
The transverse deficit of the upper jaw is a very frequent component of malocclusions, both dental and skeletal, generally accompanied by posterior crossbite and/or crowding of the upper arch.
The possibility of achieving expansion of the maxillary bone bases decreases with increasing age. It follows the need for an accurate early diagnostic evaluation that allows to classify the patients according to the type of maxillary defect that characterizes them and to apply the most appropriate clinical protocols.
Many devices for maxillary expansion have been created, differing in technical and biomechanical characteristics, in the amount of expansion that can be obtained and in the type of modifications produced (orthodontic – orthopaedic – mixed). All the techniques have in common the application of forces that act in the vestibular sense on the abutment teeth, determining morphological reactions in relation with three factors:
- Age of the patient (developmental age or growth)
- Type of force applied (light = orthodontic or heavy = orthopaedic)
- Time of application of the force (continuous – discontinuous)
In recent times, our attention has focused on the mode of action and on the clinical effectiveness of the Leaf Expander.
The Leaf Expander® (LE) is an orthodontic device, designed and built to measure individually, which allows for the expansion of the maxilla, mainly through dentoalveolar remodeling, with light and continuous forces, predetermined by intensity, direction, with predictable displacement (Lanteri C., Lanteri V., Gianolio A., Beretta M., Cherchi C., Franchi L., A new way for no compliance palatal expansion: e Leaf Expander Journ Clin Orthod 2016).
Webinar program
- Technical characteristics of the product
- Leaf Expander 6 mm protocol
- Leaf Expander 9 mm protocol
- Clinical cases
Event details:
The participation to this event is FREE
Register the webinar for free and join the webinar with Zoom
More info:
Leone Export Dept.
Phone: +39.055.3044620
Email: export@leone.it
Date and time:
Saturday 27 March 2021
10:30AM BST